Messiah University has partnered with OneLife Institute to offer OneLife alumni a $2,500 scholarship! This scholarship will be combined with the Messiah University Scholarship or the Provost’s Scholarship for a total of $12,500 to $17,000. It cannot be utilized with premier scholarship programs (Messiah University Honors, Multicultural Scholarships, and Scholarships for the Arts) or Dean’s departmental Scholarships. Messiah has also created a streamlined application process for OneLife alumni who attend Messiah. All credits that OneLife alumni receive during the Gap Year Program will be accepted and transferred to Messiah, dependent upon their program of study at Messiah. Transfer equivalencies will be determined according to standard policies. An official transcript from Cairn University will be required along with any other applicable admission materials. Messiah University is excited to welcome the quality students that OneLife produces into its strong community. See Details below!