Gap Year Travel


During your gap year, you’ll get the chance to travel to some pretty extraordinary places! At OneLife, we know that travel is one of the best ways we can introduce you to new ideas, a renewed sense of God’s greatness, and an enhanced understanding for your Christian faith. At OneLife, we’re committed to providing rich travel experiences in the United States and abroad because we know how life-changing they can be! Students rarely agree on which trip was the “best”, because the places we go and communities we interact with are so unique. Each place we travel to shares a wealth of wisdom, providing students with invaluable learning opportunities. This learning is reflected in the fact that you receive college credits for these experiences!

Traveling is such a rich learning experience in itself. At OneLife, we love to see students build confidence by stepping outside of their comfort zone and gain humility by being exposed to people who live and think differently than they do. Check out our photo gallery below with pictures from our previous trips. Please feel free to reach out with any specific questions about travel.

(Trips vary based on the year and OneLife site)

South Africa


Cumberland Island

Italy & Greece

Out West Trip

Take A Gap Year!