An Affordable Gap Year Program

Financial AId


We never want cost to be what keeps a motivated student from experiencing the OneLife program. OneLife students are enrolled as full-time college students and are eligible for all government and private scholarships. To apply for federal financial aid click on the button below.

Lodestar Mountain Inn | Upper Tract, WV, Pleasant View | Manheim, PA and Three Springs Ministries | Morris, PA add “Cairn University” (School code: 003351).OneLife at Sakanaga | Marietta, SC add North Greenville “University” (School code: 003441).

OneLife Scholarships

Want to know what your estimated scholarship amount will be?  Complete the scholarship calculator to get a rough estimate of the amount of Onelife aid you will receive.

OneLife desires to identify and enroll the best mission fit students each year. We believe our program is transformational, and we want to reward students who commit early to join us, so they can focus on making an impact where they are rather than having their post high school decision weighing over them. For this reason, we have created the Early Decision Scholarship at 3 levels for students who know that OneLife is the next step in their journey.

Early Decision Platinum: This scholarship is given to any high school student who deposits ($250) before their senior year starts and then pay $500 toward their cost of OneLife. Upon receipt of the $500 payment, OneLife will automatically add a $1,500 scholarship to the first 30 rising seniors who commit by August 31st.

Early Decision Gold: This scholarship is given to the next 30 students who deposit ($250) and then pay $500 toward their cost of OneLife by December 15th. Upon receipt of the $500 payment, OneLife will automatically add a $1,000 scholarship for the next 30 commitments received between September 1st and December 15th. 

Early Decision Silver: This scholarship is given to the next 30 students who deposit ($250) and pay $500 toward their cost of OneLife by April 15th. Upon receipt of the $500 payment, OneLife will match with a $500 scholarship for our Early Decision Silver commitments between December 16th and April 15th. 

Payment via Check: This payment is only to be submitted via check. Please make checks payable to OneLife Institute and address to:
*OneLife Institute 544 N. Penryn Road; Manheim, PA 17545

Payment Online with processing fee. Select “First Year Early Payment” Option.

Please note, this $500 Early Payment is Non-Refundable. Part of this payment is your commitment to OneLife and allows us to plan well for your arrival. 

Each One Reach One

$500 Scholarship to any student who is referred by a OneLife alumni via the Alumni Student Referral Form. 

Alumni Click Here

This program has been developed to encourage churches to provide scholarship support for their students preparing to be servant leaders who live out their Christian faith in every area of life. This program is not designed to match wages, internship monies, or gifts from individuals for specific students. OneLife will match up to $1,000 for full-time students enrolled in the OneLife program.

Application Deadline: August 1st is the deadline for the application to be submitted with the scholarship check. OneLife will match up to $1,000 ($500 each semester) if the application and funds from the church are received by August 1st. 

Click Here for the Ministry Matching Scholarship Form

$500 Scholarship offered to students whose parent is in full-time Christian ministry or independent student Christian Workers (pastor, church staff, missionary and employees of Christian schools or para-church organizations).

$1,000 Scholarship awarded to students who are a sibling of a OneLife alumni. An addittional $250 is awarded for every additional sibling alumni.

$824 Scholarship awarded to any student that has attended a 12-day summer Summit Student Conference.

Academic Scholarship

Details Academic Merit Scholarship Academic Achievement Scholarship Superior Academic Scholarship Distinguished Academic Scholarship Academic Excellence Scholarship
GPA 2.1-2.5 GPA 2.6-3.0 GPA 3.1 - 3.5 GPA 3.6 - 3.8 GPA 3.9 - 4.0 GPA
Scholarship Ammount $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000


Learn more about our pricing here!