‘No man is a failure that has friends.’
Clarence the Guardian Angel
Friendship, like trust is not given- it is earned. What if I were to tell you that a group of Christ following, like-minded, passionate group of young adults were placed in the same community seeking to learn, grow, and follow Jesus with all that they are.
Well, that would be OneLife.
Communities can be great and communities can be terrible. Community is what YOU, yes YOU reading this- make of it.
The unsung hero and really the greatest discovery that many OneLife students have in the program is the gift of community. This is the secret ingredient that makes OneLife set apart from other gap year programs. Students will still have all of the fun exciting experiences of the average university student, yet be able to cultivate some of the closest, greatest friendships and Christ-centered relationships they might ever have. Every single day OneLife students will eat, study, work, play, travel, and be- together. Life together- this is a true community. A community that grows together, loves together, lives together. Nothing is certain in life, but true friendship withstands the test of time. ‘Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.’
Benjamin Case – Resident Leader