Blessing Bowman
Which site did you attend? What year were you there?
Three Springs, Year 1
After OneLife, what did you do/what next life step did you take?
Moved to South Carolina to work at a camp for individuals with special needs. Then in the fall I began pursuing a degree in Social Work at Lancaster Bible College
How did OL help prepare for what you are doing now?
It gave me a deeper appreciation for people as a whole and increased my awareness of the importance of having people walk with you in life. It helped me value the work I do and gave me the drive to out in good work for a greater purpose.
In what ways do you see the goodness of God in what you do?
I see God’s creativity in the way He made people. I work with adults with autism and I see each and every day just how different every person is. I see how God pays careful attention to our personalities, interests, and motivations. I see that He has a purpose for everyone which is different from person to person.
What is something you are currently learning (or continually learning) about yourself, others, or God?
Myself: I enjoy methods and systems. I like to get into my routine and have it run well. I am also learning that I need to be flexible with this and aware of how I’m reacting when they get changed.
Others: People want people. We all have a bucket that is waiting to be filled with love. I want to take steps to intentionally fill those buckets for the people in my life. Within reason, of course.
God: God loves to bless those who are faithful to Him and His plans. Life isn’t perfect, but I am blessed beyond all measures and it pushes me to worship God more and seek His face in the simple things.
What is something that you would like to tell prospective students or current students about life IN OneLife?
Don’t take yourself too seriously. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Know how to laugh, take big leaps, and look out for the people you are close to. Have genuine conversations about what you’re doing and call on people to walk with you as you navigate this stage of life.
What is something that you would like to tell prospective or current students about life AFTER OneLife?
Life will never look the same. You will see the world differently. This is amazing but also really scary at first. Give yourself and others in your life the grace to adjust. Don’t get frustrated when people don’t seem to “get you” anymore. Your momentary confusion does not define the rest of your life. Hold onto the truth you learned and cling to the people that push you towards God.
What brings you joy?
Sunshine, people, food, nature, and rice.