“My name is Caleb, and I am married to my amazing wife Bethany of 8 months. I was a part of OneLife Class #4. I had the privilege to experience a year of adventure, growth, and friendship. To say the least, it didn’t allow me to sit around and obtain information alone. It pushed me to be transformed from the inside out. OneLife prepared me in two critical ways for dating then engagement, which ultimately led to marriage.
I was put in scenarios that forced me to keep the unity of my fellow students and roommates. When I was in a situation that created tension between another individual, it was my responsibility to solve it. Conflict-resolution was a big part of OneLife that stretched me and prepared me for marriage. When something arises in our marriage that causes dissension, there is a deeper root that needs to be discerned. I was taught that a person’s actions or the “fruit” they produce is a mirror of a deeper issue. This was a huge help with the practical communication side of my marriage.
The second but most important practice that I took from my time at OneLife was character building. Our character is something that starts from the inside out. You know an apple tree will produce apples because its an apple tree. The same with humans, the current state of our heart will foretell what we see on the outside. Like I mentioned in the beginning, my year in OneLife pressed me. I ultimately had the choice of what form I was going to be pressed into. At the end of the day, God has given us authority on the earth, and we have been given the responsibility to be shaped into a redeemed child of God from the inside out.
God is good, it is just that simple. No matter how challenging the teaching and practices in OneLife were for me, God is the master of redemption, and he is still using the practical teachings given to me years ago for my marriage today. I’m so thankful I was apart of OneLife; it was life-changing.”
-Caleb Greiner
Like Caleb, you have to choose what form you are going to be pressed into and who is going to be a part of forming you. Ask yourself, “Who am I becoming?” OneLife gives students a safe, gospel-centered environment to grow and prepare you for your future in Christ no matter what it holds.