Every spring students graduate from OneLife and are introduced to college, full-time work, or ministry. Each student is faced with new trials and hardships that will be difficult in their life. Thomas Michael and Claudia Heitland attended OneLife Class 6 In 2018, here they both share their testimony of how OneLife shaped them for what’s next.
“This past year has been a whirlwind of good. To say that my life consisted of self absorption and lack of commitment to myself and others before attending OneLife a year ago would have been an understatement. Everything in me wanted to not attend, to not confront my weaknesses , and yet God’s calling said otherwise. From the start I was challenged to seek others beyond myself and fully commit to an intentional life of faith. Through the profound examples of newfound friends and staff, my eyes were guided to look at God in a way I had never even imagined. A way that allowed me to enter into the college scene with confidence in who I was and that the Lord has a wonderful , true, purpose for what’s to come. He has won. Currently, I’m at Messiah College in PA, studying Communications, looking at the now, but beyond excited for the next chapters he has in store.”
– Thomas Michael
“OneLife showed me how narrow my view of the gospel was. I understood it to be simply that Christ died for my sins so I didn’t have to go to hell. And while that is a glorious truth, there is so much more. Christ came to begin the kingdom of God, the already but not yet. I wasn’t just saved from my sin, but for a relationship with Him. He is a God who desires Shalom and the redemption of all things. The broken is being made beautiful, and one day all will be perfect again. That is the gospel, and as a citizen of the kingdom, God is doing that redemption in and through me. My view of God‘s goodness grew exponentially, and my life became purposeful in a way I had never felt before. I knew why Jesus died, but not why he lived. And seeing the redemption he began during his life showed me how I too am to live.”
– Claudia Heitland