OneLife Class 5 Alum’s Perspective on COVID-19


Emma Ward, OneLife Class 5 Alum, shares how OneLife taught her about the victory we have in Christ and how that reality has shaped how she responds to COVID-19. Instead of asking God “why,” she asks Him “what now“ as she trusts in the Ultimate Victor who determines her security.

“In these last few weeks, this world has experienced a lot of change. Changes in access to education, jobs, community, and the patterns in our lives. In OneLife, I learned a lot about seeking victory over situations that Christ has already won.  My OneLife community spent a lot of time declaring the truths of God over our current situations. When we acknowledge the lies we were believing, it allowed us to escape from the false narrative the enemy was telling us, and enter into the true narrative of what Jesus was proclaiming. We were able to declare the victory over our battles because Christ already won them for us.

  God knew this pandemic would happen, it may be an unprecedented time for me, but it’s not to Him. In this season of change, instead of asking God “why?” I have been asking God “what now?” Positioning my heart in this way has allowed me to seek victory and trust God with my next steps. While fears and lies of the enemy sometimes consume my thoughts during this season, the reality is that Jesus has me. The same God that lead the people through the waters will lead me and all of us through this season. He has us, He is faithful, and even if we can’t see it or feel it, He is working. I’m so thankful for my time at OneLife and the ways that it truly shaped my worldview and allowed me to see victory in this season.”