Why a Valedictorian Chose a Christian Gap Year Program Over Traditional College


This is Lydia Dice. Lydia graduated high school at Atlantic Christian School in the spring of 2016 as Valedictorian. Later, she attended OneLife Institute and is now a senior at Lancaster Bible College studying Middle Level Education. Read why Lydia chose to take a christian gap year program over traditional college for her freshman year, and how it has shaped her life.

“I remember thinking OneLife was the best deal out there. It was cheaper, counted as my freshman year, gave me an immediate scholarship for my next three years at Lancaster Bible College, I got to travel and go to Israel, and I had space to not have everything figured out. The sense of adventure spiked my interest as the experience was my favorite avenue for learning. I also thought it is probably a good idea to take time to focus on my character and the gospel before attending a traditional college. Honestly, I don’t think I would have chosen OneLife if it didn’t count as my freshman year, but now being three years out of the program, I would have done it without the credits in a heartbeat. It changed my perspective on life. It took me to greater joys in the true definition of beauty and goodness and greater freedom in truth. You see, I had a lot of head knowledge when it came to subjects and faith, but OneLife showed me what it looked like for that to become heart knowledge. For my heart to know Christ more fully and to experience His love on a whole other level. OneLife talks about what life is truly about and aids us in the fight against the distractions of this world that are fleeting and don’t satisfy. I learned that grades were not my identity and that learning was meant to bring us to a greater worship of the Creator and not of myself. I would not give up my year at OneLife for any other school. I honestly wish I could be back in that learning environment. I was stretched in ways that the traditional college never offered me.” – Lydia Dice

Lydia Dice is one of several valedictorians that chose OneLife over traditional college. If you’re in a position of excellent academic honor take a moment to think about applying to OneLife as an option for your coming college year. Also if you’re not sure about the program, take a look at some frequently asked questions or come and see us at an open house!